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SQLite Database Editor

Open and modify your SQLite databases directly from your...
If you have an Android device then you can download here SQLite Database Editor , app from the people of Supertommino . 974 are the downloads that our users have already made in Downloads.com. That shows how much interest an app like this generates and how quickly they can climb the rankings when the quality is excellent. Keep supporting Supertommino and download their programs quickly here.El review de Arturo Nuñez Well very good app, I find it very useful and not only that it worked amazing, very intuitive

SQLite Database Editor can be used from any device that meets the requirements. Most third-party programs currently being offered are somewhat slow and tedious, which is not the case with SQLite Database Editor . If you were just looking for an app like SQLite Database Editor , then you are in luck, you have already found the best alternative.

Open and modify your SQLite databases directly from your device.

For ROOT users, it is also possible to modify the reference bases in the system memory, having the list of installed apps directly usable with the relative reference bases.

Especially useful as a support aid for the development of an app that uses an SQLite reference principle, which will be graphically visible and editable directly from the device.

Characteristics of SQLite Database Editor

User Comments

It's quite good just, no problem for not being root and does anyone know how to make queries in this app???
BD edition, understood as its deployment, a perfect application, visually pleasing and functionally very complete, and not only that, it is an app that offers good expectations for the creation
Excellent app, necessary for records, I recommend it and I love that it does not need root
It is very useful for me to edit games hehehe 🤭, thank you, and calm, it's human to be wrong without envargo it works perfectly and without rooting the phone

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