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AdBlock. The #1 ad blocker with over 200 million downloads. Bloc
After a while without new developments , Betafish has released AdBlock to the stores, an app that in its Windows version more than does its job. With over 998 downloads AdBlock is known as one of the best productivity software. Keep supporting Betafish and download their programs quickly here.

Intuitive easy to understand AdBlock modes for any age. Most of the third-party programs offered today are somewhat slow and tedious, which is not the case with AdBlock . There are no plugins or other settings to touch. Nor will we come across popups, malware, or any other annoyance that may affect our experience using the application.

NOTE: * Discreet ads are not blocked to support web placements. * The notice you see about accessing your history and website referrals is generated not manually but automatically because AdBlock is opened in all tabs. But it doesn't actually monitor your browsing history or ask for your personal information to work properly.

Ad Block. The import one ad blocker with over 200 million downloads. Block YouTube, The Facebook and ads at any one different point of the web.

After installing AdBlock, if it doesn't work, please restart MS Edge. If the extension still doesn't work, please provide feedback through the Feedback Hub

Characteristics of AdBlock

User Comments

It's free and it works, if I had the developers in front of me I'd give them a kiss... good app not bad thanks
I think you couldn't ask for more, it blocks advertising, it's very good and it's a good blocker

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